Reinventing yourself during and after divorce
Those who recently went through the divorce process should take several steps to ensure their happiness and move forward with their lives.
For many people in Washington, getting a divorce is a life-changing experience that is emotionally and financially difficult. Although a divorce is hard to go through, there are many steps you can take to ensure your happiness moving forward.
Take time for yourself
During and after the divorce process, you may feel like you need to stay as busy as possible to keep your mind off the grief you feel. Although staying busy can be an effective coping mechanism, don’t forget to take time off for yourself. This can be as simple as taking a few minutes to enjoy a favorite cup of tea or coffee, take a walk on the beach, dine out, exercise, go to a movie, or read a few pages in a new book.
Try something new
Although divorce may be difficult and unwelcome for many divorcees, it may unexpectedly give you the opportunity to try something new. For instance, you might want to do something as simple as a get a haircut in a style you have always secretly wanted, or join a sports team in your area. You may want to go back to school, change jobs, or move to a new location. Before making any major changes, give serious thought to who you want to be. Then select those changes within your reach that will take you to your new you.
Embrace new roles
After getting a divorce, many people find themselves taking on new responsibilities they did not have before. For example, in some marriages, one partner is responsible for managing the finances, budgeting and investing. In other marriages, one partner may have done most of the parenting for the children. Those who are adjusting to a divorce should try to view these additional roles as an opportunity to learn new life skills and increase their happiness.
Give yourself permission to mourn
Many divorcees struggle to move on with their lives because they did not give themselves enough time to mourn the loss of their marriage. To ensure a happier life moving forward, try to find a way to work through these difficult feelings. Instead of ignoring your emotions, you may want to lean on the shoulder of a trusted friend or family member, focus your energy on a new project, or discuss your loss with a therapist.
An experienced attorney can help
Although starting over after a divorce is never easy, the process will go better go better if you have sound legal guidance and advice. During a divorce, there are many issues that have to be resolved, like child custody, visitation, child support, spousal maintenance, and the division of assets and debts. During the turmoil of a divorce, it may easy to make decisions that you regret later. An experienced family law attorney can help to set your mind at ease. Clement Law Center offers a consultation in a highly confidential, professional setting. Call us today to schedule your consult