Same-sex couples in Washington may be interested to learn that four same-sex couples in Idaho have sued the state for denying them the right to marry. In addition, the lawsuit also sued for the failure of the state to recognize couples who legally marry in other states.
The lawsuit, which was filed on Nov. 8, represents the first challenge of Idaho’s constitutional ban. Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court made two rulings that increased the legal status of same-sex marriages. The eight women who fled the lawsuit claimed that Idaho’s ban violates the U.S. constitution. They are represented by two attorneys and by the National Center for Lesbian Rights.
While marriage is considered to be a symbolic union of two people, the act of becoming legally married also protects certain rights of both people when it comes to property and any children that the couple have should they decide to separate later on. In Washington, same-sex couples now have the ability to legally marry and those who are registered as domestic partners will have their partnerships converted to legal marriages on June 30, 2014.
As same-sex marriages are now legal, same-sex couples now may face family law issues including child custody and support. An attorney may be able to help the couple with both prenuptial and postnuptial agreements that protect both people. If the couple decides to part ways later down the road, the attorney may be able to help their client retain rights to their child and work out a visitation schedule that is in the best interest of the couple’s children. In addition, however, the attorney may also be able to help their client’s ensure that their rights are retained should they travel or relocate to other states were same-sex marriage is not legally recognized.
Source: ABC News, “4 couples sue Idaho over same-sex marriage ban”, Rebecca Boone, November 08, 2013