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Has technology overtaken your marriage?

On Behalf of | Apr 2, 2018 | Uncategorized |

Anyone who lives in and around Bellevue knows the importance of technology. Many people who work in technology-related careers in this area are highly paid, but they also work long hours.

The problem with technology is that it can be so easily integrated into your life, it can be difficult to tell where technology and “real life” diverge.

Bringing work home

You have no doubt heard it said that you should not bring your business home with you, but with our reliance on smartphones and tablets, bringing it home is so simple to do nowadays. For people who work with technology on a daily basis, it is even easier. If you have a demanding career, you might eat dinner, then spend the rest of the evening working on your laptop. You may not feel you have the option to put your work aside, or it may be that you are able to accomplish more away from the office. In spite of this, your spouse and children may still resent the activity during your downtime.

Relaxing with screens

The negative effects caused by too much connectivity between your devices and the outside world may infiltrate your relationships at home. Here are ways you can tell:

  • You keep your smartphone close by at all times, even when watching TV with your spouse
  • You fall asleep with your laptop or tablet on the bed
  • You check your email as soon as you awake in the morning
  • You text your spouse and children more than you talk with them face to face

Resolving disputes

If dependence on technology has resulted in difficulties in your marriage, divorce may be inevitable. Before you head to the courtroom to battle it out, a family law attorney might suggest the idea of mediation, an effective method of resolving difficult disputes. This may even be an option if you and your spouse face a high-asset divorce.
