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False domestic violence allegations and divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 31, 2018 | Divorce |

During the divorce process, there are many different challenges that can arise. Sometimes, these difficulties are unavoidable, while others are the result of a couple’s bitter dispute and hard feelings. For example, someone may accuse their partner of domestic violence even though no abuse took place. In Federal Way, and across the state of Washington, these accusations can be absolutely devastating. Not only can false domestic violence allegations cause a parent to become depressed or angry, but they may adversely influence various family law matters, such as child custody. understands these challenges and we believe that people in this position should have a voice.

There are various reasons why a person may be wrongly accused of domestic violence. For example, a child’s other parent may try to gain leverage in a dispute over child custody and make the other parent look like an abusive person. Sometimes, these accusations may arise because someone has hard feelings and wants to get revenge or bring their former partner down. Regardless of the motivation, it is very unfortunate that people continue to find themselves in this position.

On the other hand, we also are aware that some domestic violence victims may be afraid to step forward because they feel as if nobody will believe them, which is another reason why false domestic violence allegations are so disturbing. If you have been accused of domestic violence or are dealing with other types of family law issues, you should know what your options are and move forward cautiously.
