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Parental relocation and back-to-school season

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2018 | Relocation |

For many parents, it’s almost that time of year again. The season when kids return to school, which can bring a number of stressors (such as buying clothes for school or supplies) and necessitate revisions to an entire family’s routine. For some, this year’s back-to-school season may be especially challenging. For example, those who have recently gone through a divorce or are dealing with other family law matters (such as disputes over child custody) may have a particularly tough time helping their kids work through these changes. This may also be true for some parents who are relocating in the wake of a divorce.

Parental relocation brings a number of responsibilities and it is vital to make sure that you understand what is required of you if you are a custodial parent who will be moving with your child. You may have other considerations, such as uncertainty over which school your child will attend and how life in a new area may affect their performance in the classroom. As a parent, it is pivotal for you to help your child work through these changes. Moreover, by being fully aware of your rights and responsibilities, as well as the ins and outs of various legal considerations regarding parental relocation, you may find yourself in a better position to work through these changes.

Parental relocation can be a blessing for many parents and their kids, but it is important to approach the process from the right angle. Our child relocation section covers more on this family law issue.
