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Talking to your child about post-divorce relocation

On Behalf of | Aug 15, 2018 | Relocation |

As a parent, you likely have many different challenges to work through in the wake of your divorce. Or, perhaps you are in the early stages of the process and are thinking about how splitting up with your spouse could affect your life. Either way, there are many stressors when it comes to the end of marriage, especially for parents. Not only do child support payments and custody disputes become problematic in some instances, but there are other legal matters involving children as well, such as parental relocation. Moreover, these issues are not only challenging for parents but can also be difficult for kids.

However, there are ways that you can make the transition easier for your child. One way to help your child work through the changes that divorce will bring into their lives is by sitting down and talking to them about various matters. For example, if you are relocating after your divorce, you may want to reassure your child that things will be okay and help them adjust to life in a new area. Parental relocation involves various responsibilities, such as ensuring that you have satisfied all of the legal requirements with respect to your child’s other parent. However, your child’s emotions and the impact relocation may have on you should not be overlooked.

Moving to a new city or even a new state can provide many opportunities and a fresh start. When it comes to moving with your child after a divorce, you may both be able to look forward to a brighter future.
