When you decide to get divorced from your spouse in Washington, that decision often results in a lot of serious thought about how to continue with your life. You may be faced with choices regarding how to raise your children, where to live and whether or not you should find new employment. While moving away from your current home and creating roots elsewhere can be refreshing and bring new opportunities, it can also be unsettling especially if it requires you to leave your children behind with your soon-to-be-ex.
Despite the long-distance, there are indefinite ways to maintain the relationships that are important to you. Of particular importance are the parent-child relationships that are so critical to both your needs and the development of your children. If you have sought to make arrangements close to home, but your best shot at rebuilding your life is to move away, take comfort in the knowledge that even if you do not live close by, you still have the ability to impact and influence the lives of your children.
According to Empowering Parents, the most important times are those where you can spend time with your children. When visitation is allowed and your children come to visit you, make the most of each moment you have. Maintain a degree of structure, but incorporate activities and moments where you can create lasting memories. If you have to spend excessive time away from your children, consider sending an occasional care package that can serve as a tangible reminder of your care for them. Utilize technology to its full capacity in staying in touch with your children even when you cannot physically be by their side.
The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.