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Why should I choose collaborative divorce?

On Behalf of | Aug 15, 2020 | Mediation & Collaborative Divorce |

When most people think about divorce, they picture the dramatized battles shown on television or in movies. They expect extended, stressful court visits and fights with their spouse over assets. While some divorces might follow this pattern, not all of them do, and yours doesn’t have to either.

If you want to avoid a draining court battle or if you and your spouse want to end your marriage amicably, then a collaborative divorce might be a better option.

The benefits of collaborative divorce

Collaborative divorce works by prioritizing mediation and negotiation to settle serious issues between you and your spouse. Instead of trying to get the best of your spouse or “win” the divorce, you instead communicate openly with your spouse and come to an agreement on various problems by working together, including common points of contention like child custody, alimony and division of property.

Collaborative divorce has excellent advantages that make it appealing to couples who want to avoid the courtroom. Here are some common benefits of a collaborative divorce:

  • Less expensive – Attorney fees can be costly, especially for a divorce that lasts months as it progresses through the court system. Collaborative divorce is generally faster, so you will spend less money during the divorce process.
  • Saves time – As stated, collaborative divorce can be a lot faster than other more common types of separation because you’re not waiting for available court dates. Plus, by working with your spouse directly, you can reach solutions more quickly and return to your daily life much faster.
  • More control – One of the most appealing benefits of collaborative divorce is how much control you have over the outcome of your divorce. In a court setting, a judge can have the final say over serious issues such as child custody and property division. However, with collaborative divorce, you and your spouse can negotiate these terms together until you both reach a satisfactory solution.
  • Less formal – A courtroom setting can be stifling and serious. With collaborative divorce, you are working privately with your lawyers and a mediator, and the process is much more relaxed. Without the pressure of a judge, you can openly communicate and state your needs more easily.
  • More private – Court visits are public record. If you want to keep the details of your divorce private, collaborative divorce is the best choice.

Collaborative divorce is becoming a preferred method of separation for many divorcing couples. Its advantages help make the divorce process much faster and less stressful so you can focus on the new chapter of your life. Reach out to a family law attorney to see if collaborative divorce is the right choice for you.

