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4 signs that your divorce could take a turbulent turn

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2025 | Divorce |

While some Washington couples end their marriages amicably, others wind up in prolonged legal battles and heightened stress after their divorce becomes contentious. Recognizing some indicators that a divorce might turn bitter can help you prepare in advance for potential turbulence. Here are four things to look for when determining how your split might play out.

1. There is poor communication

Poor communication is an early sign that your divorce might become hostile. If you and your spouse struggle to have constructive conversations or avoid discussions altogether, cooperative approaches such as mediation can be ineffective, leading parties to fight in court. Misunderstandings and unresolved conflicts can escalate, making it difficult to reach agreements peacefully. 

2. There are excessive negative emotions

When strong emotions like anger or resentment take over, it can lead to a messy divorce. If one or both partners are consumed by negative feelings, it can prompt hurtful actions and a lack of cooperation, making the process even more challenging.

3. There is a profound lack of trust

Trust issues can severely impact the divorce process. In marriages plagued by cheating, financial infidelity or other breaches of trust, the divorce is more likely to become acrimonious. The lack of trust makes negotiations difficult, as neither party may believe the other is acting in good faith.

4. Outside voices are loud

Be mindful of external influences. Advice from friends or family, especially if they have their own agendas, can make existing conflicts worse. When one or both spouses prioritize these outside opinions over finding common ground, it can prolong the process and increase tension.

Recognizing these signs early in the separation can help you seek the right support, which could include counseling and legal guidance to improve your divorce outcome. While not all divorces can be amicable, understanding the potential for conflict can better prepare you for the challenges that may lie ahead.
