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Collaborative Divorce

Resolving Issues Fairly Through A Collaborative Divorce

Emotions run high in family law issues. That is why serious disputes in a divorce can quickly wind up in a Washington divorce court.

However, couples involved in an amicable divorce have options to resolve matters outside of court. Collaborative divorce and mediation both allow divorcing couples to solve problems and negotiate fair agreements at every step of the divorce process.

At , we have extensive experience in a wide variety of family law matters and strategies. Our founding lawyer, , combines his knowledge of collaborative law with more than 30 years of family law experience to provide families around the Seattle-Tacoma area with high-quality personal guidance.

How Does Collaborative Divorce Work?

In a collaborative divorce, the divorcing spouses meet to resolve issues through negotiation. Both spouses have their own attorneys present at every session.

It is a form of alternative dispute resolution for couples who are prepared to cooperate and communicate throughout the entire process. They can negotiate all aspects of their divorce, including:

Collaboration also gives you more control over your divorce. You do not have to worry about court-ordered child custody or support payments. Instead, you can determine agreements based on your family’s needs. And you know your family better than any court.

Why Should You Consider Collaborative Law?

A collaborative divorce is generally:

  • Less time-consuming than litigation
  • Less stressful for you and your family
  • Less costly than litigation

There are numerous other benefits to a collaborative divorce. However, it is important to note that a collaborative divorce is not for everyone. The process only works if the couple is committed to working together to find solutions for their family. And if a collaborative divorce does not suit your family’s needs, you always have the option to pursue divorce litigation.

Regardless of the process you choose for your divorce, is ready to help you.

Contact Us For Experienced Guidance

To learn more about whether a collaborative divorce is right for you, please contact us online, or call 253-357-5395 to arrange a consultation. We offer representation to clients around Federal Way, the greater Seattle-Tacoma area, as well as King and Pierce counties. , is licensed to practice and assist families in Washington as well as New York.