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Internet activity, social media are critical evidence in divorce

On Behalf of | Jun 6, 2014 | High-Asset Divorce |

A new study has found a tentative connection between divorce and Facebook use. According to the study, which looked at Facebook users in 43 states from 2008 to 2010, when a state has an increase of 20 percent in Facebook users, that state could exhibit an increase in its divorce rate of 2.18 percent. Researchers stressed that this is far from fact, but that Facebook users and the divorce rate seem to have some sort of correlation with each other.

Obviously some more research will be needed to figure out what kind of connection is going on here. But it’s not hard to see that our changing technological world is bound to have, and indeed already has had, an impact on marriage and divorce.

Social media plays a huge role in the divorce role nowadays. Profiles on Facebook and Twitter, in addition to the myriad other social media platforms that people use, are a powerful source of evidence for divorce cases. For example, your soon-to-be-former spouses may take to Facebook and post a derogatory status about you and the divorce. Such a post could be used to show what kind of person your spouse is, and that evidence could be leveraged in child custody discussions.

There are so many other ways social media can impact a divorce proceeding too. Private messages could unveil an affair, or a secret plot to hide assets. Photos and locations tags can establish a timeline for an allegation made by the other spouse. Going back to the photos, they could also show immature or devious behavior. These elements become crucial in certain divorce cases.

Source: ScienceBlog, “Could Facebook Use End a Marriage?,” June 2, 2014
