Whether you are getting ready to go through the marital dissolution process or already have, issues involving your children need to be addressed carefully. You want to do what is best for them, but you and your ex may not always agree on what that is. One issue that...
Can my ex move our kids out of state?
Sharing child custody with an ex can be a challenging situation to navigate. You may not always agree on what is best for your kids, particularly when it comes to who they will live with and where they will live. Even after custody terms have finally been agreed upon,...
The warning signs of parental abduction
You've heard of bitter divorces, but absolutely nothing prepared you for how bad your own divorce would be. Your spouse's reaction was unlike anything you'd ever seen before. At this point, you're no longer sure you ever knew your spouse at all -- and you definitely...
What you need to know about relocation after divorce
If you're a parent who is preparing for divorce, there are several Washington laws that may have significant impact on your child custody agreement. For instance, have you thought about relocation? It's never a good idea to assume that you can pick up and go where you...
Stay connected to your kids via long-distance parenting
After the divorce, maybe you want to move away to pursue your education -- and the demands on your resources prevent you from bringing your kids along. Or, maybe your ex-spouse wants to relocate somewhere with the kids, and you don't want to deny them the obvious...
Relocation can spark challenges in a Washington divorce
There are any number of reasons that a Washington married couple may choose to sell their home and move elsewhere. However, if the spouses involved are preparing for divorce, the whole topic of relocation may create challenges regarding child custody proceedings. If a...
Can you prevent relocation from hurting your relationships?
When you decide to get divorced from your spouse in Washington, that decision often results in a lot of serious thought about how to continue with your life. You may be faced with choices regarding how to raise your children, where to live and whether or not you...
Technology helps kids connect with parents after relocation
If you are a custodial parent about to move to another city, you will need the court's approval to modify your child custody agreement.Because the move includes relocating your twin daughters, the court will ask how you and the other parent address changes in the...
Switching schools when divorce means relocating
When two parents in Washington make the choice to get divorced, it is not unusual for one of them to move out of the home that was previously shared. Who decides to leave and why are factors that vary significantly depending on the length of the relationship,...
Restrictions to consider for child relocation
When couples in Washington end a relationship and there is a child involved, they may agree to continue to live in the same city or state. This helps to ensure that both parents get to spend time with their children. The problem arises when the parent with primary...