Many different financial considerations may need to be taken into account when a couple splits up. For example, those with children may need to carefully look into custody and child support, while those with a high net worth may have an especially complicated divorce due to property distribution and the financial effects of ending the marriage. Spousal support is another area of concern for some couples, and it is essential to be aware of the different consequences associated with falling behind on spousal support payments.
From a recipient’s point of view, a former partner’s inability or refusal to pay spousal support can lead to financial hardships. For example, they may not be able to pay their bills or buy groceries because they did not receive money they were counting on. When those obligated to pay spousal support fall behind, they may face court-imposed penalties and other difficulties, such as high levels of stress. Moreover, their reputation may be damaged when people discover that they have not been paying the spousal support that they owe.
If you are required to pay spousal support but you are struggling to make payments on time, or you worry about your ability to continue making payments (due to job loss, etc.), you might be able to reduce the amount you owe by exploring your legal options. It is crucial to stay current and avoid the multiple ramifications associated with falling behind, and we discuss other family law topics related to spousal support payments on our site.