The number of divorces rises during the summer months, according to a study conducted by sociologists from the University of Washington. The study examined data from divorce filings made in Washington from 2001 to 2015 and was presented to the American Sociological Association in 2016. According to some divorce attorneys, another spike occurs around the beginning of each new year, in January. The important thing for couples is to plan ahead of time for divorce.
The planning required to get through the divorce process should begin months before the intended date of divorce. In a lot of couples, one or both of the parties may not be entirely aware of all of their shared bank accounts, credit cards or other financial products. Practically speaking, it is a good idea early on for people to take stock of their assets, collect records and put together a support team to help get through the divorce.
When it comes to telling the children, it is usually best not to get them involved until they will be affected by the split. Parents are well served to have a definite plan in place before they tell the kids they’re divorcing. Sometimes the biggest factor that delays divorce is uncertainty regarding what life will be like thereafter. Those who are contemplating divorce might want to meet with an attorney to discuss their options and the likely consequences even if the divorce will not commence for some time.
An attorney who practices family law cases may be able to help interested parties understand the financial and other ramifications of filing for divorce. An attorney may help identify and categorize the couple’s assets or develop a strategy for child support, alimony or child custody hearings. He or she might also help the client negotiate the terms of property division with the other spouse.