Being a grandparent can be a joyous time in your life. You may envision an exciting future of playdates and adventures from the moment they are born.
There are many reasons you may need to step in and provide care for your grandchildren. Whether you have a child called to active military duty or your child can no longer provide adequate care, you may need to advocate for your grandchild’s care.
Here’s an overview of what Washington courts consider when a grandparent requests custody.
Some situations are simple
When your child is called to active military duty or becomes seriously ill, they know they will not be able to continue providing for their child. In these situations, it is best to start looking into the process of getting custody of your grandchild as soon as possible.
Typically, the process is more straightforward when the parent is on board with granting grandparent custody. While there will be a legal process, you are more likely to have grateful parents to have your support.
Being an advocate is important
Your child may be doing their best to raise your grandchild, but sometimes their situation requires some extra care for your grandchild. Your grandchild may need someone to advocate for their care in cases such as:
- Abuse
- Neglect
- Mental illness
- Parent(s) unable to provide care
These situations could become problematic since your child may not be willing to admit that they cannot care for your grandchildren. In these situations, you may be able to petition for custody of your grandchildren. You will need to talk to an experienced professional about moving forward with getting non-parental custody.