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Federal Way Divorce Law Blog


How will divorce change your lifestyle?

You understand that divorce brings certain financial implications that could affect your life in multiple ways. Washington property division laws require you and your spouse to equitably divide everything that is not separate property, which could include your...

What NOT to do in preparation for your divorce

The weeks and months leading up to a divorce are often some of the most emotionally charged and stressful parts of the divorce process. As such, it can be easy to make some mistakes in the heat of passion that can end up making your divorce more difficult for you than...

Grappling over those overlooked assets in divorce

The division of assets in divorce may bring additional animosity among couples. The home, the second home, the bank, investment and retirement accounts along with automobiles get the bulk of attention. But couples, sometimes, overlook certain assets or, at least,...

Are you eligible for an uncontested divorce?

Divorce is a complex legal procedure, and spouses may search for ways to simplify it in any way they can. If you and your spouse know you want to divorce, you may dread the complex legal process and financial changes ahead, and both of you may decide you want an...
